Trademark Registration in India is very important as it protects your brand or business name from getting infringed. A trademark is a visual or symbol or word, name, device, label or numerals that are used by the business to differentiate its own business from other business or service.
A registered trademark is like an intangible asset or what we call an intellectual property for a business which is in work for protecting the company’s investment in the brand or symbol. The proposed trademark should not be identical with any of the existing trademark. Any trademark which is identical, offensive, generic, and deceptive or contains any sign of emblem or impression related to the political party will not get registered.
Therefore, just double check your proposed trademarks before you go for registration. Coming to our main topic i.e. -
The Benefits of Trademark Registration in India-
There are ample numbers of reason or benefits attached to the trademark registration but we will give a brief. The following are the benefits of Trademark registration in India.
- It secures your brand or company name from getting misused or infringed
- Gives a shield so that other company cannot use your brand name without the permission
- It helps you to protect your customers from getting mislead with fake similar brand name
- If you are internet based start-up then it also helps to protect your Domain Name like
- It gives you different identity between other sellers
Trademark Registration once registered will be valid for 10 years and you need to file an application for renewal before it gets expire for another period of 10 years. You can use “R” symbol as a registered trademark issued by Controller General of Patent Designs and Trademark, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.